Brushed Steel Books
Posts by Carlos Valcarcel:

Librarians & Educators
You are the heroes of the land, but especially to those of us here at Brushed Steel Books. Let us help you!

New Authors
Wait. You’re writing a novel? We haven’t run into anyone doing that! We should talk…

Press & Publicity
Are you a journalist, blogger, vlogger, member of a book club, or just plain looking for more info about your favorite author and books? Look no further!

Oh? The Brushed Steel Books newsletter opt-in forms on every page weren’t enough for you? Well, our authors have their own newsletters that you definitely need to follow!

Company Profile
Don’t let the rather excited people in that woodcarving give you the wrong idea. People love working with us. Sometime they even bring clubs to the office, but really it is to underline their excitement of being part of the new world of storytelling.

Our Mission
Brushed Steel Books entered stealth mode December of 2015 and finally came out of the shadows in July 2017 with the publication of The Kidnapping Anna Trilogy by A. B. Alvarez. We have big plans so keep an eye out (even if it is not yours) as Brushed Steel Books makes a big splash in […]